Peak-O-Mat 4.0
Fully automated data transfer from measurement device to LIMS
Automated evaluation of the measurement results (Peaks)
- Data transfer and data process from the existing integration software
- Data storage in an internal database for later evaluations
- Indication and preparation of the determined data
- Data transfer to the LIMS
- Optional fully automated Peak indication through the Peak-O-Mat Analyzer, to avoid misinterpretation by the existing
integration software
4 Modules:
1. Translator
Translation of Text- or Excel-files in Peak-O-Mat
2. Peak-O-Mat
Processing of the data for transmission to the LIMS
3. LIMS-Interface
Transmits the files to the output folder, which are then read by the interfaces implemented in the LIMS
4. Additional module Analyzer
Performs a new identification of the peaks in the chromatogram
This module is always required if the standard integration software does not achieve the desired quality of the peak assignment automatically.
Benefits Peak-O-Mat:
- Saving of time and costs by eliminating manual data transmission from report to the LIMS
- Quality improvement of the data by avoiding typing errors
- Faster response time due to earlier availability of data
Additional advantages Analyzer:
- Elimination of manual reinterpretation of chromatograms
- Even automated data transfer of chromatograms, which are difficult to interpret, is possible (e.g. fatty acid spectrum)
- Quality improvement of interpretation of chromatograms due to elimination of individual interpretations through
different employees
System requirements:
- Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Free USB-Port
- For devices with electronic output files or serial interfaces
- The system has to fulfill the requirements of Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0